Bekijk wat de beste glazen zijn voor in de keuken. Vandaag bestel morgen in huis. Using Glass with a partner software solution from Ubimax, pickers now receive all picking instructions directly from Glass , right in their line of sight. With “Vision Picking” freeing their hands of paper instructions, real-time picking instructions, and the scanning function of Glass , pickers can work far more efficiently and comfortably.
A computer that you can wear like glasses. These glasses can give you unobtrusive instructions of how to do something as you are doing it. Luckily, before my seven-day invite expire both options became available and I chose white. NUtech zet een aantal alternatieven voor Glass op een rijtje. Would you like to work with Glass ? Consider reaching out to one of our Glass Partners to find an end-to-end Glass solution for your business.
Not sure if you’re ready or want to learn more? Fill in the form below to receive product information and communications from the Glass team, including invitations to Glass developer events. Laat je inspireren door het aanbod. Shop jouw artikelen bij Wehkamp. Vind items binnen jouw budget.
Ontdek het assortiment van Wehkamp. Thanks for exploring with us. You’ll start to see future versions of Glass when they’re ready (for now, no peeking). Glass Enterprise is now available from wearable specialist Streye. Bekijk nu ons unieke assortiment glazen voor de leukste tafelmomenten.
Canadian startup North is taking a more fashion-focused look at AR glasses. Its Focals smartglasses are best described as what would happen if Warby Parker decided to make AR glasses. It all starts by heading to a North store – there are only two right now, one in Brooklyn, New York and the other in Toronto. Er zijn geen actuele prijzen bekend van dit product.
De laatst bekende laagste prijs was € 1. For one, nobody knew what Glass was supposed to do. Others feel new by being integrated. Gulick convinced her boss to buy a single Explorer unit.
It also seemed sturdier than a competitor in the marketplace, Vuzix’s Smart. Devices you add to your cart must have the same Preferred Care plan. Add or remove Preferred Care for this device to match what’s already in your cart, or buy this device in a separate order. En we kijken natuurlijk goed welke mantelzorgers hiervoor in aanmerking kunnen komen,’ zegt Van den Bosch. De ervaringen zijn positief.
De bril en applicatie zijn eenvoudig te. Glass costs far more than its components, analysts have said. Glass ’ gadget hardware and manufacturing costs at $152.
People spend egregious sums on luxury items, but they find value with identity. Superficially, yet crucially, the device isn’t cool. Op maart lichtte Fabiënne van den Bosch, projectverpleegkundige Glazz bij Argos Zorggroep, het project toe in een workshop op de bijeenkomst ‘Innovatieve toepassingen met technologie in de zorg’. Interacting with Glass is a unique experience that can range from head gestures to touch gestures that allow you to use Glass but stay in the moment with others with minimal distraction.

You can use touch gestures by tapping and sliding your finger on the touchpad located on the right side of the device near your temple. This brings up manuals, photos or videos she may need.
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